Friday, March 30, 2007
Planning the Nursery Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
Do you love it? I LOVE it. If you want to see the cool, nature-y print up close, just search "Dwell Baby Motif Robin" and you'll find it. Also important to note - I got this set NEW for half the price it is retail. But this isn't the time to sing the praises of eBay. Anyway, as soon as it's delivered - I'll bring a sham with me to the paint store, and pick a couple of coordinating colors. I decided that there will be no smiling animals of any kind - land or sea, nor will there be transportation of any kind. BECAUSE I'VE HAD QUITE ENOUGH OF THAT. Our house is a big bubbling stew of wheeled, smiling, plastic, crap. The baby's room is going to be calm, pretty (as pretty as it can be while still being baby boy-ish), and tranquil, if it's the last thing I do!
At this point - the baby's name is going to be one of two choices. The first being Jack. A good, cool, one syllable name. For some reason, I'm dead set on a one syllable name this time. Big Al likes it, and so does my big boy. My Mom and sister love this name, and all my friends approve. I mean really, what negative thing can be said about the name "Jack"? A good, safe, choice.
Here's the thing...I have a long lasting love for another name. A name that I've gotten lots of heat for loving. A name that I can't quite let go of. The second possibility is the name "Ace." I love the name Ace, and I have since BEFORE the last season of American Idol! I think it's a cute and fitting name for this baby, all things considered. Big Al isn't a big fan, but God love him - he's willing to consider it since you know.....I've just been slapped in the face by fate. I plan to keep it as a maybe, because the more I think about it - the more I believe that I should AT LEAST get heavy pull in terms of naming this THIRD boy! I think we'll go to the hospital with these two choices and see which name suits him best.
Lastly -
Overheard at 6:30AM while I was half asleep in my bed, and the boys were just waking up on the bottom bunk (full size) or their bed in the next room:
Little Boy - "You know what?"
Big Boy - "What?"
Little Boy - "I love you" (sounds like: I 'Wub' You)
Big Boy - "I love you too stinky head"
Little Boy - *cracks up*
I like these boys a lot.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Shopping My Way Through the Disapointment
Son of a bitch. Can you believe it???
I'm flattered that God, or the universe, or whatever, thinks that I can handle 3 boys. THREE. My husband felt so sad for me when I called him in tears this morning.....I was a mess. Right off the bat, he said that we could go for Microsort next year if I wanted to. That he loved me, and that this baby will be great, and that he was so sorry I was feeling so sad. And oddly....I like that I have the Microsort option.....but I think I'll be fine with these three boys.
I'll admit that I wanted a girl in part so that I could buy all the achingly cute clothes and shoes. I really am a girly girl, despite the grass stains that 5 years of sons has added to my exterior. I'm also the first to admit that I'd rather eat glass than go through the teenage years with a daughter. No offense to anyone with's just that I know how hideous I was as a teenager. And how rude my now classy and successful younger sister was. And how disrespectful my friends were from about age 13 to 23. And we were the "good girls!" The cheerleader-types who maintained good grades and went to youth group on Tuesday nights! Anyway, it was REALLY rough on our Moms. And on us. Are all girls like this? Probably not. I only know what I've experienced. And I know that I couldn't have had a daughter only to send her away for 10 years once she hit 13, right?
Three handsome, sweet, wonderful boys. I'm lucky. Intellectually I feel like I've won the lottery, but every once in awhile my emotions kick in and I just start to cry from the loss of my Tess. It's like in my heart, and in my dreams, I had her. I could see her, and feel her soft curly hair. And now she's gone.
Anyway, each day will be better than the day before - and once he's in my arms I'll fall completely in love (this I know for certain), and this will all wash away -at least for a year or two. So no pity, okay? No tilted-head "I'm so sorry" 's or "Are you okay" 's. I'm not ready for a rally on why I'm so lucky to have a "complete set", or how much boys love their mom's either. I know all of this, and I'm truly grateful. I'm just feeling an emptiness that has no merit - or name really. It just is. And once my new little boy is here, it will fill up and go away.
A much needed glass of wine, I can not have.
So I have more shopping to do.
Sorry Visa.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Overheard at the Learning Toy Store
"I had three boys and then my daughter. I wanted her so badly after so many boys. I love my daughter, but let me tell you something - if I had it to do over again, I would have 20 more boys before having a girl. She was SO HARD TO DEAL WITH! "
Me (silently) -
"Thanks for that! I may need this piece of information consolation....or something"
Monday, March 26, 2007
Timing.....and hope.
In this two week time frame, there will also be a Welcome BBQ for the soon to be Kindergartner, as well as a parent orientation that YOU have to go to. Nothing can stop you! Because he's your baby! And he's starting Kindergarten! And you truly wouldn't miss it for the world.
Besides all of this, there's the little boy who will be starting Preschool. This is a child who has only ever been away from his Mommy to be with his Daddy or his Grandma. He has never been dropped off ANYWHERE that there wasn't a family member present. He's a tough little cookie - but also very much a Mama's boy. You have to be there for that. You have to be able to stay a while the first couple of days. So that he's comfortable. Because he's your baby, and he needs you.
Here comes the kicker.
Guess what else is happening at the start of these two very important weeks?
So.....naturally, I'm freaking out in advance - because that's what I do.
It'll be fine. I won't be tired, or in pain, or just delirious with newborn joy...and misery....and love....and hormones. N0....I'll be fine. Ready and willing to smile and make new friends. ARGH! Are you kidding me?? Oh and also? My hair will start to fall out. Because that's what happens to me when I have babies. Nothing says "Yes! I'll be the class room mother! I make great cupcakes!" like tufts of hair falling to the floor around my post partem stretch pants'd self.
As an aside - I had talked with some of you about wanting to get my big boy into this really wonderful private Christian school in our area. He got in!!! I'm thrilled about this - just thrilled. "Big Al" (the hus) is thrilled too, because now we don't have as much pressure to go to church on Sunday's. See? Win-Win. The alternative was dismal as our ONE CHOICE of public schools was.....well......not so great. Really not so great.
Also.....don't be mad..........I'm going to have "THE" ultrasound this week, but I'm not going to tell you which day. I know!!! So mean!!!
I'm at peace with the possibility of another son. My boys are everything to me - how could I really be upset about another one? I adore my sons, and will adore another one too. But..... just in case I am having a third son, and need to take some time with the news, I'm going to keep quiet about the day. This way you won't all be sitting by the computer, dazed with anticipation. Said with sarcasm dripping from my get the picture.
Of course if it's a girl, you'll know it because (in my mind) the sky will open up and drop bunches of pink balloons and butterflies all over the world.
Yes.....if I'm having a'll be written in the sky.
***Edited to add***
When I said that my big boy "got in" to the great school, I didn't mean that he had to interview or anything creepy like that! I just meant that there was space available after they went through their family preference registration. Just wanted to clear that up. :)
Friday, March 23, 2007
Make a wish!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Officially "IN" My Thirties
A year later......I now have 2.5 children instead of just the two. I am of course, thrilled about that and can't wait to meet this newest baby. But because pregnancy makes me feel....shall we makes me feel older. Like - "someone get me a walker" - older. I have a few fine lines around my eyes that I swear weren't there last year. I still like my hair.....although I have a ton of gray. But I have Angie - my Hair Magician. She takes care of that for me.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Photo Friday - Happy Spring!
These flowers are my absolute favorites - Gerbera Daisies.
Not very sophisticated, but still - my favorite. They always come out this time of year. If it's possible for a flower to be "cute" - this is a cute flower. You know who else loves flowers? My big boy. He knows the names of many different kinds, and loves having flowers around - as do I. Reason number 497 that he is the sweetest boy on earth. Other things that the big boy loves? Race cars and all things chocolate. But that's another post entirely.
Here is another little "nook-ish" area in my humble home. Another semi-safe place for things that I care about. "Knick-knacks" if you will. Aw, knick-knacks. Remember knick-knacks? Candles, small picture frames, small, cute, $25 items from adorable boutique type places that you could keep on say - a coffee table? It's been YEARS since I could do that. And so, I enjoy my funky little shelves, sills, etc. Because kids are wreckers, and it only takes one misplaced glass *anything* to learn this lesson. See the cute birdhouse? Big boy made that for me for Valentine's Day with help from Grandma. He nailed in all those little beads, and painted the house. He added a checkered flag tile to the front just so that I would never forget that it was from him (again with the race cars). It's a treasure. If you're wondering whether or not that striped vase was actually an olive oil store-er.....Why yes it was! But the daffodils are absolutely thriving.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Hey Angelina, I've got a couple more for ya!
It's a good thing I love these boys more than my last breathe. It's a good thing.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Today's Frustrations
Things like complaining!
So let's get to it.
1) I can't for the life of me figure out how to add one of those cute pregnancy tickers to this blog. I've searched and searched, tried and tried. Is this a "Geek Squad" worthy issue? I sort of doubt it.
2) Crying. For no reason. The hormones are just kicking my ass. Dear God, let this baby be a girl and therefore - my last pregnancy.
3) My lips. Do everyone's lips turn to sand paper when they get a cold or is it just me? This is a question I would really like an answer to. I'm using chapstick, I'm drinking my 8 glasses of water. Really, what else can I do?
4) Taxes. I hate paying the house taxes. That is an envelope that gets SHOVED into the mailbox. SHOVED. In a very angry way. Because I'd really rather take that envelope on a shopping spree. Or to Hawaii. Or to a really spectacular lunch.
5) Sanjaya Malakar. You know who you are Sanjaya. You know who you are.
And uh, I guess that's all I've got for the complaint box right now!
Oh - and here's the update on internet names for my children. I've decided to be really original and go with "Big Boy" for my oldest son, and "Little Boy" for my youngest son. I know. The creativity just pours out of me.
I'll leave you with a knock-knock joke courtesy of my little boy. He's really into knock-knock jokes right now.
LB - "Knock Knock Mommy"
Me - "Who's there buddy"
LB - "Stinky Cheese"
Me - "Stinky Cheese Who"
LB - "CUZ"
LB - ****throws head back and cracks up like he's never cracked up before****
That. Is comedy gold.