Saturday, June 2, 2007

Park Pictures

Today we went to a new park. Like most places around here, the surrounding area was really pretty. The park itself was just so-so, but at least I got some decent pictures! The kids had fun, and I had fun stalking them in my paparazzi-like way. You'll notice that BB's hair is getting long. I LOVE it. I'm growing it out so that he'll have that cute surfer style that's in right now. It was always sort of longer and curly when he was younger. I don't know why I was having it cut into a typical boy haircut for a while there. If any little boy can pull off longer hair - it's mine. He can no longer use "kid shampoo". His hair simply demands something better. Not Mommy's expensive, can't-be-bought-at-the-grocery-store shampoo, but at the very least - Daddy's Pantene.

Silly boys........

A Spider web!!! The bug fascination continues.......

New and exciting pregnancy symptom: If I stand up for more than 15 minutes, my entire left thigh goes numb. Fun!!

The good news is, I'm 7 months pregnant and have only gained 9 lbs. That for me - is fan-freakin-tastic.

Now, if we can just get the nursery painted......

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