Wednesday, August 29, 2007

He's Here!

All 9lbs, 4 oz, 21 inches of him! He's a beautiful baby boy, and we couldn't be more thrilled. Hard to tell what color his eyes will be, although I think I see an undertone of brown! That could very well be wishful thinking though. The funny thing is that on the day he was born, his hair looked very strawberry blonde, but today all the little hairs on his perfect grapefruit shaped head are distinctly brown! We'll just have to see. He's so adorable and velvety soft....I could just kiss his wonderful little head all day. That baby smell is just the best. A little piece of heaven is this boy. He came out looking like a funny, wrinkled up little man, but within a day or two - his little face sort of settled into itself and he's just gorgeous. What a sweetheart....we're completely smitten! Here's a family picture - I feel so lucky to have these wonderful boys - all 4 of them. I'll be sending/emailing out a group of pictures (with pics of the baby!) soon.


MommaWriter said...

I'm not sure it's even legal to look that good right after a c-section! Seriously though, congratulations to all of you. You look great as 5!

MamaB said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful. I loved all the pictures you sent out. I hope your recuperation goes okay.