Monday, October 22, 2007

Pumpkin Patch Pictures! Lots of them!

My two oldest are the best of friends. I LOVE that for them.....but they get away with murder because they're so rascally and cute. I weep for the teenage years.

Boys, boys, boys. Handsome devils - all four of them. I've heard other Mom's of three talk about how hard it is to get a good picture of all three. I get it now!
Would you believe this was the best of 10? Check out the look on Jack's's like he senses that his crazy Mommy has no less than three Halloween costumes for him.

1 comment:

they call me mama said...

Wow, those shirts on LB and BB are AWESOME! I love 'em! Jack is just adorable. And what's with BB's hair? Did someone cave and get his hippy locks cut off? No more surfer boy?