He's had the whole pee-pee thing down for a good while now. Never even wets the bed. But poo-poo? Not so much. It isn't that he hasn't been MORE than capable of going in the potty - oh no. He just had to decide to do it. To lose the pull-ups. To grow up a smidge. To hang the white "baby" flag and do it already.
Anyway, we've had a great two weeks. He loves his new undies...yes....more new undies....Spongebob to be specific.....and seems just fine with pooping in the potty now.
Way to go buddy. It's about damn time.
I shall bite my tongue in jealousy.
You're breaking my heart! You got #2 done on not only #2, but #1 AT NIGHT. I still don't have #1 done with #1 at night! ARGGGGHHH! I have a better shot of getting #2 done with #1 at night. Actually, at this point, my hopes are best pinned on #3 for #1 at night! :-)
Good going, Captain Underpants!
Oh good god. I'm happy for R....really I am! It's just weighing upon me that I do actualy have to start all of this with the twins at some point and I don't wanna. I'm no good at potty training anything or anyone and I know it. I need a potty training boot camp to send them off to. I'll take them back again, promise.
That is great! I am not looking forward to putting A in underwear and dealing with the cleanups.
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