Monday, April 28, 2008

Would you believe we just got back from CHINA???

No? You wouldn't believe it? Well you shouldn't. We didn't go to China, I've just been slacking off in the blog department.

I wish had some riveting stories to tell, but I don't. Things are going well though! The boys are busy with: school, T-ball, and a new bike (N) army-crawling, sitting up, snacking on lots of new foods, and being absolutely precious (J) and getting into trouble, chatting relentlessly about nothing in particular, and calling me a "mean old lady" every chance he gets (R).

The baby is eight months old already. I can't believe how fast the time as gone - it seems like he was just born! He has eight teeth already - one for each month. I love him. He's fantastic. So happy, so gorgeous, such a nice little fella. He's super friendly to people which is great, but he always has to know where I am. If someone else is holding him, he'll smile and play along, but he's always looking around for me - "wheresthemama, wheresthemama, wheresthemama....OH! THERE'S THE MAMA!!!!" (big smile) and then all is well.

In celebration of his turning eight months old, we decided it was time for him to sleep in his crib. I know. So crazy. He's been in the co-sleeper all this time. He sleeps great in the co-sleeper, but he's also about to crawl and is pushing his big self up and I just don't need for him to fall out and hurt himself. Wonder boy that he is, I put him down in his crib for the first time the other day when he was really tired, turned on some music, and he fell asleep on his own and stayed there without a problem. What a peach.

R. is his complicated and hysterical self. So sweet. Such a nightmare. So thoughtful. Such an instigator. Big sweet eyes that well up when I put on my scary voice and REALLY yell at him because I've HAD IT. Sneering little lips that call me every name in the book on his way to the time out spot. He hugs me, kisses me, tells me I look like a princess, and can still fit in my lap while we read books. Snags things out of N's hands just to drive him crazy. *Screams* at anyone who dares to cross him: "JUST BE QUIET YOU STUPID DUMMY" (just an example)Is a VERY. LOUD. TALKER. ALL. THE TIME. Slaps. Is only quiet when sleeping. He's wonderful to Jack. Gentle. Sweet. Encouraging. He truly adores his baby brother. Dances a lot.....prefers to do so naked. Imitates people. Well. Makes us laugh until we cry. This is R. All these things and more. He's a cool kid. He's exhausting. The next Jim Carey? I wouldn't doubt it for a second.

N. is doing wonderfully in school and truly loves the time he spends there. I like going through his Friday folder and seeing his work from the week. His handwriting has improved so much, his journal entries and pictures are so great. I'm proud of him. He recently got a new bike with 20 inch tires. His old bike was just too small. Still, when I saw the new bike when he and Big Al got home from the bike store, I couldn't believe his BIG it looked! Such a BIG KID bike!

Yesterday, Big Al took the boys fishing at a local reservoir. They didn't catch anything, but had a great time. Next time they're going to rent a row boat as they insist that it's impossible to catch anything from the dock. I think it's impossible for R. to catch anything because he is just SO.LOUD. We're so lucky to live where we live. This is about 15 minutes from our house. Fifteen minutes in the other direction would take us to the beach. I hope we never have to move away.

Big Al and I are fine. Just trying to keep up with these boys. I've been dropping hints about trying just one more time for a girl. He thinks I'm out of my mind. I'm not out of my mind - I'm just stupid. Not stupid - a dreamer. A very, very, impractical dreamer. I've always been sort of proud of my impracticality. As if I'm above making wise decisions. "I Live in the NOW,dammit!!" I'm the kind of person who throws her hands up and says "Who cares if we only have one bathroom and we'll never be able to move to something bigger/better in this market! It'll all work out! We only live once! Let's do this!"

I've been scrapping a lot more lately, and have been meaning to take pictures of all my new layouts. I'll get to it eventually. I'm thinking of starting a second blog that is all about scrapbooking, and creativity, and pictures that turn out really well (I'd call it "photography", but being that any 'good' pictures I end up with are because of doesn't seem right) and crafty inspiration. I LOVE crafting, scrapping, etc. and just wish I could find more time. I feel so good when I'm making things. If only I could feel that good when exercising. My ass would be considerably smaller.


MommaWriter said...

You *love* the Friday folder? Really? 'Cause I totally hate the Friday folder. I hate taking all that stuff out and knowing that I'm going to recycle the large majority of it and then have to say "Uh, I dunno honey. It must've gotten in there by mistake." I hate that. I hate throwing away his stuff, but we have SO MUCH CLUTTER! The Friday folder is just another reminder that I need to throw more things away. *sigh* Of course, I do like seeing what Smunch does, but somehow I usually see it during the week anyway.

And I think you'd make a fabulous crafty blogger and I'd be totally smitten with your crafty ideas. Here I am all proud of myself for learning how to carve rubber stamps. I feel all crafty just for that. I have that very same feeling about being creative that you do...just a lot less talent...or taste or something.

*sigh* I've recently found that a good stomach flu does wonders for stopping weight gain in its tracks. I'm not sure what's gonna happen when I feel like eating again, but for now I'm feeling quite svelte...kinda nauseous, but svelte!


nb said...

Ooh, reading posts like these make me wish we could just sit down over coffee for hours. So much to day, none of it worth writing. But when has that ever stopped me?

Friday Folder: we *dread* it now, bracing ourselves for the "behavior" rating.

Scrapbook layouts: oh PLEASE PLEASE post some photos of your layouts! Those of us in a permanent creative dearth would be ever so appreciative!

Exercise has to be fun or it won't happen. Hmm, how to combine scrapping with exercise....treadmill-crops? :)

Sweet rambunctious boys: your most challenging one will well his eyes up with tears if you scold him?? I can't do that even with the closest I have to a "sweet" one. How do you *do* that?!

Congrats on babyJ in the crib....95% exciting, 5% sad, right? Just like every aspect of baby-raising...

(waiting for that crafty blog site...!)