Monday, August 13, 2007

Tweet Tweet, Buzz Buzz

Big Boy:
"So did baby Jack get in there anyway?"
(with his hand on my tummy)

When a Mommy and a Daddy love each other very much, they might decide to make a family...."
(inner monologue: oh shit oh shit oh shit) "and.....uh.....Mommies have special eggs inside their bodies.....and when the Daddy adds, it's called "sperm" the Mommy's egg......a baby is made in the Mommy's tummy!" (inner monologue: ok, not bad.....with any luck, he won't least not today.....about how the sperm gets there).

Big Boy:
Takes a moment to think.....blink his eyes a few times......
"Well, how old do I have to be before I can make some eggs?"
Little Boy:
"Hey! I want some eggs too!"
Big Boy:
"You can't do anything with eggs because you're only three years old!"
Little Boy:
"Yes I can! Mommy! BB said I can't have any eggs!"

My work here is done.

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