Friday, March 16, 2007

Photo Friday - Happy Spring!

The kitchen window sill. My favorite place to set up holiday decor. The breakable stuff anyway. Mostly because the little boy can't reach them here. Chicks by Lori Mitchell (love her), eggs by boys. They had *way* too much fun dying them. Thankfully, they don't have any urge to eat them.....they've been hanging out on the window sill for 3 days and counting. Anyway, looking at this cheery little scene makes loading the dishwasher a little more tolerable.

These flowers are my absolute favorites - Gerbera Daisies.
Not very sophisticated, but still - my favorite. They always come out this time of year. If it's possible for a flower to be "cute" - this is a cute flower. You know who else loves flowers? My big boy. He knows the names of many different kinds, and loves having flowers around - as do I. Reason number 497 that he is the sweetest boy on earth. Other things that the big boy loves? Race cars and all things chocolate. But that's another post entirely.

Here is another little "nook-ish" area in my humble home. Another semi-safe place for things that I care about. "Knick-knacks" if you will. Aw, knick-knacks. Remember knick-knacks? Candles, small picture frames, small, cute, $25 items from adorable boutique type places that you could keep on say - a coffee table? It's been YEARS since I could do that. And so, I enjoy my funky little shelves, sills, etc. Because kids are wreckers, and it only takes one misplaced glass *anything* to learn this lesson. See the cute birdhouse? Big boy made that for me for Valentine's Day with help from Grandma. He nailed in all those little beads, and painted the house. He added a checkered flag tile to the front just so that I would never forget that it was from him (again with the race cars). It's a treasure. If you're wondering whether or not that striped vase was actually an olive oil store-er.....Why yes it was! But the daffodils are absolutely thriving.

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