Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Giving a Hoot

Can you find the baby?

Here's my little guy, taking time out for a picture with a few of his little friends. A special "shout out" to Gymboree for having this bib. It's just too perfect. While I'm thanking Gymboree.....let me also send them a "$pecial" hello from my husband who hate$ them with every fiber of hi$ being.

"Seriously?? Are you really going to keep taking pictures of me and all of these owls? Can't you see I'm tired and I have a goopy eye that isn't going to medicate itself? I mean really Mommy....lets be reasonable."
Are we all in agreement that he looks exactly like BB/Big Al? Check out the "widows peak" hairline! Cute!
Such a sweetheart....this boy.

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